primary and kg school
This is where we teach students skills they need to transform
themselves, others, and our global communities.
Learning Begins With Us
Champion School at a Glance
Knowledge Is Power Essay- Knowledge is something that will serve you your whole life
umul-qura schools
Curriculum Overview
The umul-qura schools aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.
التربية الإسلامية
فالواجب على المسلم أن يتعلم ويتفقه في الدين، وهكذا المسلمة؛ حتى يتعلم كيف يعبد ربه، وكيف يؤدي ما أوجب الله عليه، وكيف يتجنب ما حرم الله عليه؛ ولهذا يقول الرسول ﷺ: من يرد الله به خيرًا يفقهه في الدين متفق على صحته، ويقول عليه الصلاة والسلام: من دل على خير فله مثل أجر فاعله،
اللغة العربية(arabic)
تعلّم اللغة، وخاصة اللغة العربية، يساهم في تنمية الشخصية وزيادة ثقة الإنسان بنفسه، ويساعد على فهم الثقافة والتقاليد والعادات الأخرى. كما أنّ اللغة تلعب دورًا في تعزيز العلاقات الاجتماعية وتوطيد الروابط بين الأشخاص. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعزز اللغة المشاركة الفاعلة في المجتمعات وتساهم في التطور .الاجتماعي والثقافي
Social studies is an important subject that can help students become informed individuals in a variety of areas, such as politics, citizenship, cultural awareness and some general knowledge of world affairs.
Science instils a sense of intrigue and enables students to develop understanding and form questions based both on the knowledge they already have and the insight they wish to gain in the future. Students who excel in science lessons are likely to develop a strong ability to think critically.
They tell us that mathematics gives us the critical ability to learn and think logically in any field of endeavor. The skills of learning today are more ...
English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. Moreover, the use of English as an International language is growing with time because it is the only medium for communication in many countries.
Our Co-curricular Activities
Our students are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up.
In-house Publications
We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines.
Performing Arts & Music
With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art and painting and more.